This one goes out to my Daddy ...the MAN who has made me into the woman that I am today ...the Man that fought hard to keep all of us families together and loving one another (I didn't get along with my step sister )...Here's to the man who loved not only my Mom Pasty but who also loved Momma Shirley whom he knew would love me back unconditionally's to my father a man that would do anything for you see Diane my Best Forever Sister had relapsed breast cancer in her brain and Daddy asked his adopted daughter from another mother that if she had her bug spray ...he took the sting out of the horrid day that it turned out to be and Diane and I were able to carry on and smile and laugh
Here's to the man that fought hard for Cutie Pie and WON!!
Here's to a man who had the most awesome blue eyes that I could look into forever and a day
My Dad loved all my friends and interacted with them ...I do so miss my Dad and want him here for US but the death that he had was horrid
besides that Diane and Grandma and my brother Michael to play with and jump from cloud to cloud watching over all of us
My Dad is the best person who has ever been in my life and now I am going to show you who my Daddy is
Daddy I Love You MOSTEST