Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My Heart Print Hottie Has Taken Flight

I am just jumping on my page to post that my Bestest Friend Heart Print Brother that is connected by our heart strings passed away last night

Hottie I want you to know I am raw in emtions right now I dont know how to deal with your death and the cancer :( I am lost and I dont know how to help your family. I am so worried about your Mom Momma Nine I am worried about my Turtle. This came so unexpected. I am sorry I didnt get to fullfill the promiss of seeing you before you passed. That will forever be of my greatest regreats. I hope you know how much you mean to me, I hope you know what a diffrence you made in my life and how you enriched it

When I am on a even keel I will write more ...until then know I love you mostest and truly miss you more !!!!